Friday, May 4, 2012

pretty nails

I know what you're thinking...two posts in one day!  That's right friends.  I got wild and crazy today and you get a second post.

First I must tell you that I finally made a blog button!!  I'm so excited to join all the cool kids.  Feel free to grab it on the side.  I'm pretty proud of it.  It's my favorite picture of Mr. H and I from our engagement pictures done by my fabulous boss, Catherine Clay.


I'm linking up with Tara and Vicki for The Nail Files.  I have been loving this red/orang color from NYC called Times Square.  It goes on smooth and dries in about a minute.  AND it's only $1.72 at Target...score!

The Nail Files

 Mr. H should be home shortly with a pizza and we plan to catch up on our favorite show, Missing.  Can't get any better that that tonight!  Have a lovely weekend friends! 


  1. Beautiful nails! I just got my toes done! Its amazing what a little pedi/mani can do.

  2. such a pretty red! hope you have a great weekend!

  3. I love that color (and the name!) New York is one of my favorite places!

  4. I love that color and I adore your ring! Also I love your button, it feels so at home on my blog :)

  5. I've never tried NYC. I like your button! :)

  6. thanks so much for sharing this polish. i love treating myself to essie & OPI polishes, but i'm definitely on the hunt for more affordable (but still great quality) finds all the time! i'm going to have to pick this one up. hope you had a great weekend!

    - l

  7. aww the button turned out great!!


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